Friday, January 10, 2014

High Time

High time, I think, to choose my best articles from, say, the first three years of At First Glass, plus a few sundries from those other blogs, and compile them into a book. I call it Prose Food.  It contains six sections --
Eating and Drinking
Women and Men
Backyard Travels
Serious Matters
Traveling in the Past
A Handful of Impossible Recipes 
-- and runs to about 72,000 words, which I think will make for a respectable thickness in hard copy.

God only knows how many small press publishers are inundated with manuscripts -- unsolicited, of course -- from breathless people yammering on in their cover letters about how "this is just some stuff from my blog." It seems somehow counterproductive to join the crowd. Given that any home printer is an independent small press, and that for a modest investment one can go to the local print shop and have anything copied, I think I'll start my own publishing conglomerate. What is it that magnates say about controlling the distribution system?  

We could even call the new house something amusing like "Stuff From My Blog" or "Cleanup in Aisle 15" Press. I'll let you know.

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